On 15 December 2013, I was involved in an event organised by the association of USU Alumni (IKA USU). I took a part in the marching stroll (jalan santai) by encircling USU walking path. All of the events centred in front of rectorate bureau and all of participants were encouraged to gather in that spot once the march finish. There were many activities to do in that event such as social gathering to underpin the relationship among alumni, had a chit-chat as well as lucky draw. The last mentioned was where the participants pay attention at most.
Besides giving a lucky dip, the organiser also surprised the entrants by providing a small gift such as Garuda Indonesia ticket for Medan - Banda Aceh Flight and some other vouchers. This little surprise was only applied for those who celebrated his/her birthday on December 15th. Lucky me, that I was born on 15 December which means that day was my birthday. MC shouted loudly through the microphone and challenged to come on the stage, show his or her ID card and win the free flight. There were no sign which indicated someone approached into the stage. MC challenged it twice but still there were no signal. I knew it was could be my turn and be my special birthday gift. However, I felt doubt either to appear on the stage in front of around thousands of people or simply to hide alone. Being nervous of becoming limelight was not the reason of my doubtful. Due to my sport shoes wetness, I wore thongs and felt discomfort to emerge in front of public by wearing a pair of thongs. However, because the MC called it for the third time, I put my doubtful aside and walk into the stage.
A yell obviously exist when I approached the stage. My fortune that I was not the only person approaching the board which means that the yell was not pointed solely at me. It was very helpful as I could more relax and comfort to dealt with this whoop. There were only two of us who was born on 15 December and come to the stage. I let my birthday mate to come at first on the stage. She walked on the board calmly, showed her identification, had a little chat with the MC and won the free trip to Banda Aceh using Garuda airplane. Soon she finished her chance and backed to the seat, I came to stage to get my turn. On the stage, I chatted with MC, showed my ID and received my special gift. But, somehow the MC announced that there was only a single winner for the free trip, the rest would be given a special voucher for free lunch in one of the branded food store in Medan.
I felt empty and could not make any single comment. I backed to the seat and received the yell from some friends. Some of them congratulate me and wished my better future, and some teased ask me the a treat. To the latter I simply handed on the voucher that I'd got and said that this is voucher is my treat. I emphasised that this voucher is worth enough as you can grab free lunch from the indicated food store. I also strongly argue to whom I handed on the voucher that they were lucky to get that voucher as I did not need the voucher.
It was true that at the time I strongly needed the ticket as I had to come to Banda Aceh in the following month. I had to come to Banda Aceh to attend an interview for Australia Awards Scholarship (AAS) recipient candidates. I thought it would be my great luck to win the ticket and fly to Banda Aceh as I would foster and strengthen my preparation and confidence to win the bravest ambition of mine, becoming an Australia Awards awardee. I wished I could win that ticket. If I had come to the stage earlier, I would have won my Garuda ticket. Anyway, I would not fix anything by regretting to what was happened. I kept positive, thanked to the Almighty and wished a better future myself. To document this memorable moment I posted a status in my facebook account by simply writing down "almost getting Garuda free flight, unfortunately, it went away. hahah :D. Thanks God for December 15th". I received some comments about this status from some friends and all them wished the best for me and wished that I would get my free Garuda flight soon.
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View from Garuda |
Days passed on, lucky me that I was awarded as an AAS recipient and would fly to Australia very soon. On 15 December 2014, I got an email from one of the officer of AAS Indonesia which attached my QANTAS ticket. This ticket that would fly me from Jakarta to Sydney and to Adelaide. What a very special birthday surprise and what a lovely birthday gift. My thought came back to the funny and memorable moment last year where I almost won Garuda flight. Allah is the Almighty and the Merciful, He blessed me with this life and experience as well as the journey. He postponed to give me the ticket last year, but He totally endowed me by granting me this scholarship, this journey, this experience and this life. About two weeks after my birthday, once I would like to purchase a refundable ticket from Banda Aceh to Jakarta, my brothers gave me another special ticket by giving me an airline ticket to Jakarta. He asked me what kind of airline do you want to use, I simply replied Garuda Indonesia. Then, finally I enjoy my Garuda flight before using Qantas services. This is important as it may symbolise that I prioritise Garuda (Indonesia) over Qantas (Australia).
Thanks God, for another December 15th.
Thank you AAS for Qantas tickets and my brother for the very special Garuda flight :)
Thank you for those who had wished my better future!
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