Rabu, 23 Juli 2014

The "Bizarre" Ramadhan

This ramadhan might be never the same as ramadhan that we have passed before, or perhaps with ramadhan that we will face in the following year. Sure, the differences are not only about change of the year period in almanac, or the length of fasting time that we will have in a day. However, these are caused by the many kinds of events happened in this holy month. Some of them can be classified as the predicted occurrence, while the others are not.
For those predicted or already known before are such as the world cup 2014 held in Brazil and the biggest national event in Indonesia, the presidential election, held on Wednesday, 09 July 2014. On the other hand, those which are not envisaged before are such as the unresolved conflict between Palestine and the “damned” Israel as well as the latest crash of Malaysia Airlines in Ukraine. I strongly argue that, those kinds of things are likely to influence the value of this jolly fasting month.
Firstly, I would like to explain how the world cup 2014 in Brazil affects to Moslem   doing fasting as one of their obligations. In this blissful month, Moslem are strongly encouraged to recite the holy Qur’an, participate in communal pray (jamaah) and multiply or raise for bearing Allah SWT in mind (i’tikaf) at mosque. Unfortunately, most people neglected the importance of this blissful chance which was reliable to improve the intimacy of God-creaturers. It seems that many of them prefered watching world cup matches to reciting the holy Qur’an. They were also able to steak their eyes on football games while for doing communal pray and taraweh, they could not. These things, of course will contribute to the lessen of the value of ramadhan. Whereas in this holy fasting period  any single benevolences will be multiplied.
Secondly, the destructive raid by Israel in Gaza also affects to the quality of fasting month this year, especially for those living in Gaza Strait. As reported by Foreignpolicy.com people in Gaza preferred to stay calm and sleep instead of doing suhoor, the meal eaten before the dawn coming. Furthermore, they also intended to hear the news related to the bloodshed rather than having break fasting (iftar) as the sun sets. Suhorr and iftar  are supposed to be as the most special part of fasting day, but the “chaos happened” lead them to stop to eat, and instead check the news nonstop to keep track of where the bombardments are. It certainly lowered the value of this fasting month since all Moslem fasting are strong encouraged to have suhoor and iftar as part of their fasting. Similar reasons apply to the fierce between Ukraine and Russian-pro separatist crashing MH17- one of the board of Malaysian Airlines recently.
Another factor that is supposed to be a key factor in lessening the worth of this sacred month is the state-run event so-called general election of Indonesia’s president.  As It can be clearly seen how Indonesian are easily to be provoked by the issue related to president candidate. In fact, the issues do not always represent the truth or reality. Even more, most of them are often likely to appear as a smear or black campaign. In Islamic term, fasting is not only coping with hunger and thirsty. It involves entire parts of our body such as foots from going to the restricted places, eyes from seeing the forbidden things, hands from taking something inappropriately, and mouth from saying any slander, backbiting and about unimportant things. Fasting month is also a pathway to build a better relationship with our society. It teaches Moslem to respect others, include to those who are in different belief and faith. Therefore, all of these should be preserved perfectly, otherwise fasting will only give to hunger pangs and thirst.
Good news is that the world cup 2014 and general election had already over, so it is the chance to be more focus on the ramadhan’s purpose and fix all of the mess up. Fasting month now is in its third asharah – the last ten days of ramadhan. Some people may view that it is too late to take an action up, however the third asharah is the most essential part of the throughout this blessing ramadhan. We may have no such a promising start in this ramadhan, but it does not always lead to a gloomy at the end. Where there is the will there is a way. As as long the the willingness to be a better creatures is still awoken,  there is always possibility to achieve the ultimate goal of ramadhan- the muttaqin. All of us want to be granted as the muttaqin, don’t we?

Happy Eid Mubarrak! May Allah accept our fast and deeds! Ameen.