Minggu, 08 Februari 2015


In the government office or other institutions, the term so-called rank or position obviously exists. The people who earn greater position relatively compare to others is usually called as the leader or well-known as the boss. The boss is usually associated with superiority and premium standard. Thus, that people will gain more respect among the colleagues. The people in this sub-class are very confident in their workplace reflected with their dominance. Their distinctive is highly apparent. They earn lot of freedom and power.  They free to speak up and convey any single idea they want to pass for, and in most cases, those people often dictate what thing or things should work be or done.   

Similarly, the "rank" also exists in communication context. Based on this perspective, people involved in communication will be differed from higher or lower rank. This label is invisible and undetected in the conversation. However, experts believe that it happens in the communication, particularly in the communication among the group. People whose rank is relatively high, will gain more power throughout the interaction. They lead the communication and take control of others. This subgroup will get most attention and acquire more confidence and good feeling. They feel comfortable, happy and very relax on the entire interaction. In contrast, people with lower rank are very distressful. They are intimidated and less motivated during the interaction process. Those people get less attention and respect. Unfortunately, they even do not make any contribution to the interaction. They are ruled and dictated, and even worse oppressed.

Some people believe that, the gained rank in the interaction or communication is associated with the social status and often inherited. It is the type which experts classify as socio-economic rank. This view seems to be correct for some instance, for example, people who are born in wealthy family heir their social status due to their parents’ prominence. This also applies for skin colour and belief, for example the lighter skin is more favourable in western while moslem are more appreciated and accepted in eastern. This phenomenon is often found in the real life where people are judged by their socio-economic status appearance reflected with their economic class, expertise, skin colour and religion. However, experts also categorise the other two rank types namely psychology and spiritual rank. These remaining two types are something that someone able to gain, build and improve in his journey of life, for example through education, learning process and experience. 

It is important to have high or higher rank in the interaction in the daily social life. Based on the psychological aspect, people with high rank are more comfortable and relax which in turns it will help them to become more confident in expressing or conveying ideas during the conversation. Confidence is one of the most essential parts in communication. The more confident you are, the more contribution you may share for. However, people with this blesses "gift" should not take excessive control in communication. They should avoid of being dominant in the interaction otherwise the essential part of communication itself will downgrade. A fruitful conversation only happens once the participants take a part in the discussion in an appropriate proportion. Therefore, in order to create a productive communication, one should avoid of being dominant and dictate the interaction.

On the other side, people who possess lower rank in the communication are not as comfort as people with higher rank. They are unconfident to expressing their thought among the group. Unfortunately, in most cases, their ideas might be very brilliant thought, but somehow because their shyness and introvert feeling this useful knowledge may disappear. Avoiding this circumstance, those people should improve their rank level otherwise the problem may never be solved. To deal with this issue, the best thing to do is by jumping in the communication. It means that people in that position should contribute to the forum by conveying his argument regardless the content and the way of presenting ideas. They must destroy their self-blockade, introvert and negative feelings. It may be hard and difficult in the beginning, but the more you risk and challenge yourself in the difficult situation, the more relaxing it will become at the end.  Once this appears, they will not only benefit for themselves regarding personality and character building as well as contribute to others by disseminating a useful information and knowledge.

To sum up, awareness and consciousness are critical elements in the communication of human life. The level of rank may determine one’s contribution in the communication and interaction. People with high rank level should aware of being dominant in the conversation and avoid dictating the communication. In contrast, people whose rank is relatively low should improve their rank by jumping in the conversation in order to create a productive communication in the community.

Build your awareness!

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